Seattle Public Schools



SPS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) & Other Info

See quick reference info and links below to assist with your questions and concerns. You can always reach out to the SPS District Ombudsperson to explore options for resolving a concerns if the info below isn’t helpful.

Submit your concern or question directly to the SPS District Ombudsperson .

Admission Center, Enrollment

If you have questions or concerns about admission (which could include transferring, wait list, etc.), you should:

  • First click on the link above to look for info that might answer you question or address your concern.
  • If you can’t find the info you are looking for online, you could then reach out to the Admissions Center directly to ask questions or discuss your concern (contact info provided below).
  • If you are unsatisfied with the outcome of your conversation you may ask to speak with the Enrollment Manager to discuss your questions or concern further or contact that manager directly at the number below.

Admissions Center: 206-252-0760 OR Admission Manager: 206-252-0760

School Transportation

If you have a transportation concern or complaint you will want to contact the transportation office.

Be prepared to report the following information:

  • Bus route, date/time that the incident occurred
  • Explanation of the incident

If you want a response to the investigation you will need to leave your name and contact information.

Transportation Dept: 206-252-0900 OR

Special Education

If you have a question or concern about your student’s special education services and are not sure who to talk to next please visit the Special Education Contact webpage where you will learn more about your options.

If you have followed the recommendations on the Special Education Contact Page and continue to have a challenge with getting your question or concern addressed please reach out to the district Ombudsperson for further assistance. Visit the District Ombudsperson contact webpage.

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault (Title IV)

If you are not sure whether you should make a formal complaint about sexual assault or harassment, you can consult the Title IX coordinator. The Title IX coordinator can help you decide next steps and how best to address your situation.

If you believe that you or an SPS student or staff member has been sexually harassed or sexually assaulted, you can report the incident(s) to any school staff member or the District’s Title IX Coordinator. Read the definitions of sexual assault and sexual harassment on our What is Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment webpage.

You can also follow the instructions below to file a complaint or click here for more info.

  1. Open the SPS Sexual Harassment Complaint Form
  2. Please complete all sections of the form.
  3. Be as specific as possible when discussing the incidents. Your complaint is not limited to the space provided. You are encouraged to attach additional materials, which may assist in the investigation process.
  4. Please be sure to include the:
    • the date(s),
    • the incident(s) that occurred,
    • the name(s) of the person(s) involved, and
    • the name(s) of those who may have witnessed the incident(s).
  5. Sign it and deliver the original form to either the District Title IX Coordinator or any school principal.

Title IV Coordinator: 206-252-0367

Rights and Responsibilities

This group of questions seeks to answer questions about student rights and responsibilities and how the ombudsperson can help resolve concerns.

Students, as citizens, have certain constitutional rights and the school system cannot unduly infringe on those rights. The schools may, however set some reasonable limits on those rights in order to meet the district’s obligation to educate.

What happens if a student breaks a rule?

Whenever you are accused of breaking a rule, you have the right to explain your side of the story to your teacher, counselor, assistant principal, or principal before you are disciplined.

  • Your parents may also meet with school staff to help identify and solve problems and to consider appropriate penalties.
  • If some other penalty doesn?t work, you could be suspended.
  • If the offense was very serious, you could be expelled.
  • If there is an emergency, you could be expelled right away and have a conference later.
  • If there has been a criminal offense, normally, the police will be called.

What if you think you are being treated unfairly?

If the principal or assistant principal proposes to discipline you, and you think the disciplinary action is unfair or inappropriate, you have the right to appeal the discipline imposed on you.

The various appeals processes are contained in the Student rights and Responsibilities booklet, which can be obtained from your school, from the Student Discipline Office at 206-252-0820 or the Discipline Office webpage.

Sometimes, problems in school can be helped by counseling on health, emotional, or legal concerns. While the Seattle Public Schools can provide some assistance, its resources are limited.

A number of community agencies offering such assistance are listed in the Seattle telephone directories, or you may call the Community Information line at 206-461-3200 or 211.

Center for Children and Youth Justice (Lawyers Furthering Education): 615 2nd Avenue, Suite 275, Seattle, WA 98104 206-696-7503; CCYJ is a 501(C) (3) nonprofit organization.

When is a student considered to have truant behavior?

A student is determined to be truant on a school day if he or she is absent in an unexcused status for half or more of the scheduled school day.

Who will be notified when a student is deemed truant?

The revised law requires a petition to be filed with the court after the student’s 7th unexcused absence in any month during the current school year and not later than the 15th unexcused absence during the current school year. See WA State Legislature RCW 28A.225.030.

To learn more, call the Truancy office at 206-252-0825 or visit the Attendance and Truancy webpage.

Center for Children & Youth Justice (Lawyers Furthering Education): 615 2nd Avenue, Suite 275, Seattle, WA 98104 206-696-7503; CCYJ is a 501(C) (3) nonprofit organization.